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Updated: May 29, 2020

We need you to dance up a storm!

Many of you may have heard of the wonderful Melbourne ‘Discobedience’ dance, which is choreographed to the equally wonderful Bees Gees’ hit, ‘Stayin Alive’, and was used to great effect in last year’s International Week of Rebellion. If not you can check out this short video. There are also a few ‘how to’ instructional dance videos on youtube like this one.

One of our ACT members, Gerard De Ruyter, has put in the time to learn the moves, and thinks having a ‘popup’ Discobedience dance squad would add a lot of colour and movement to our protests. Plus the song’s lyrics themselves have been rewritten to convey some great climate change action messages to go with the moves. All up, a great way to get people rockin’ and thinkin’.

Gerard is offering to run one or more dance instruction workshops to train up a squad - so please consider joining in!

You don’t need to be especially fit nor a trained dancer (Gerard certainly isn’t) – so don’t think it’s just a young person’s thing. As long as you have reasonable flexibility, and enjoy movement, you’ll be fine. And would be willing to give some time at protests and the like.

Once trained, we could ‘popup’ and really lift the vibe – and in and out in twenty minutes.

One possible application would be to perform at the (once) regular ‘Honk for Climate Change’ actions in Civic. A bunch of us doing the moves would look fabulous, and with the music and new lyrics too. Imagine the honking….

So if you’re keen, contact Gerard on and he’ll send you details of proposed workshop date/s (subject to social distancing rules). In the meantime, teach yourself the moves in the comfort of your own home!

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